Real Estate Fraud Continues in Merida at the expense of public education institutions


Real estate company seeks to acquire 300 hectares of the Chapingo University in Yucatan

The Universidad Autónoma Chapingo is a federal Mexican institution, of a public nature, whose mission is to provide education at the upper and upper secondary level; develop scientific and technological research linked to teaching; preserve, spread and enhance culture; strive to transfer scientific and technological innovations to the rural sector in a timely manner; and to procure adequate planning of agriculture and the services that it requires, to train highly trained professionals, teachers, researchers, and technicians, with critical, nationalistic, democratic and humanistic judgment; that, like the UACh itself, respond to a rational, economic and social use of agricultural, forestry and other natural resources, to raise the quality of life in economic and cultural aspects,

The Vive Peninsular Group intends to acquire 300 hectares of the Chapingo University, Yucatán campus, paying only 350 million pesos

In Yucatán, taking advantage of the real estate boom in that state, there are developers who seek to do millionaire businesses at the expense of public education institutions and nature reserves.

It could be the case of the real estate company Vive that seeks to acquire 300 hectares of the Chapingo University, Yucatán campus, paying only 350 million pesos.

The issue is that the market cost of this property is almost 9 billion pesos, which would imply that the aforementioned real estate would suddenly earn more than 8 billion. A lucrative business that must surely be canceled.

The Vive Peninsular Group intends to acquire 300 hectares from CRUPY (Chapingo University) by donating 300 million pesos and 60 hectares in the municipality of Kanasin for the construction of a new campus and larger facilities.

The cost of the 300 hectares of the CRUPY (Chapingo University) amounts, according to the market value, to just over 9 billion pesos, which would bring a profit of just over 8.5 billion pesos.

The university authorities, led by Manuel Jesús Negrete Quijano, deputy director of CRUPY, have not issued a clear position on the obvious difference between the donation of 300 million and the cost of the land of 9 billion.

It should be noted that something similar was operated in the same way to obtain land on the island of Holbox, in partnership with Andrés Granier in Tabasco.

In the latter case, the scandal was such that a partner named Ponce Díaz lost the presidency of Bepensa, the Coca-Cola concessionaire in the Yucatan Peninsula.


The Yucatan Post