These are 6 essential vaccines to protect dogs before you come to Mexico

  • Dogs are the best companions for life and they also need primary care.
  • That includes protecting them with vaccinations, depending on the age of your furry companions.
  • Without fail, these are the vaccines that your dogs should have.

Dogs are the best life companions and they also need primary care, which includes protecting them with vaccines.

Depending on the age of your furry companions, they must have certain essential vaccines to prevent diseases that are spread through viruses or bacteria.

Without fail, these are the vaccines that your dogs should have, according to the Petzer veterinarian:

1. Rabies vaccine

This virus attacks the central nervous system, causing anxiety, headaches, excessive drooling, and paralysis. It has no cure and they can transmit it to humans.

2. Distemper

This disease is highly contagious and is caused by a virus that attacks the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems.

The symptoms that dogs present discharge from the eyes and nose, fever, cough, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, spasms, and paralysis. It can cause death.

3. Canine parvovirus

The disease spreads easily and directly attacks the digestive system. The virus can cause poor appetite, vomiting, fever, and bloody diarrhea.

There is no cure for parvovirus.

4. Canine hepatitis

The virus causes damage to different organs such as kidneys, lungs, liver, spleen, and eyes. Its symptoms are fever, an enlarged stomach, vomiting, and congestion of the mucous membranes.

5. Bordetella

The disease is highly contagious and is caused by bacteria, causing vomiting, seizures, coughing fits, and can even lead to death.

6. Leptosipirosis

Leptospirosis disease is caused by bacteria, its symptoms are fever, vomiting, loss of appetite, kidney failure, abdominal pain, lethargy, and stiffness.

The disease is totally curable with treatment.

At what age should you get vaccinations?

  • 6 weeks: the parvovirus vaccine
  • 2 months: polyvalent vaccine (favors the immunization of parvovirus, distemper, adenovirus, parainfluenza and coronavirus)
  • 3 months: booster of the multipurpose vaccine
  • 4 months: booster of the multipurpose vaccine and the rabies vaccine
  • one year: boosters of the multipurpose vaccine and rabies booster

Procedure to import pets to Mexico

ATTENTION: In Mexico, only cats and dogs are considered pets !!

The admission of animal species to Mexico is the responsibility of the National Service for Agrifood Health, Safety and Quality (SENASICA); therefore, the information presented below is exclusively for reference. 

Interested parties should contact the competent authorities to find out the details of the requirements and the procedure to be followed:

Before traveling to Mexico, the interested party must obtain a certificate of good health of the animal, which must contain the following elements:

  • Be issued by a veterinary doctor officially recognized by the competent authority. The certificate must be issued on letterhead, and must contain the professional identification number (or its equivalent) of the treating veterinarian in printed form, or include a photocopy of it;
  • Include name and address of the exporter (in country of origin or provenance) and of the importer (destination address in Mexico), as well as the pet’s identification data;
  • Specify the date of application of the rabies vaccine and its validity (animals under 3 months of age are exempt);
  • Indicate that in the pre-trip inspection the animal was found to be clinically healthy;
  • Ensure that the pet was subjected to a preventive treatment against internal and external parasites within the six months prior to its transfer, and that at the time of its inspection it was free of external parasites.

It is recommended to consult the module of consultation of requirements for the import of zoosanitary goods.

If you have a vaccination card, it is advisable to take it with you in order to show it to the health authorities upon arrival in Mexico. It is also advisable that the documents be submitted accompanied by a translation into Spanish.

Upon arrival in Mexico, you should go to the Agricultural Health Inspection Office (OISA) , in order for the authorities to verify that the description established in the health certificate matches your pet (sex, race, color), and carry out an inspection. physical to check the state of health and verify that it is free of external parasites.

Take into account that if during the documentary verification, the authorities detect that the health certificate does not indicate any of the requirements mentioned in the previous points, they may ask you to contact a zootechnical veterinarian you trust to apply the missing treatments. In the latter case, the costs generated will be borne by the interested party.

Similarly, if during the physical inspection it is detected that the pet is not free of external parasites, a private veterinarian will be required to apply the corresponding treatment, charged to the importer.

Once the established requirements have been met, the official OISA staff will prepare the Animal Health Certificate for Import, upon payment of the corresponding fees.

Remember that compliance with the regulations established by SENASICA does not exempt you from compliance with the requirements of the airline or other authorities at the point of entry into Mexico.

Arriving in the country without the appropriate documents may mean that the animal remains in the Sanitary Inspection Office until a veterinarian checks it and certifies its state of health and applies the rabies vaccine and the preventive parasiticide treatment to continue with the process. This can lead to setbacks and costs for the pet owner.


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