According to Google Maps, Bermeja Island would have been located 100 kilometers northwest of the Yucatan Peninsula, where the Mayan Train is being built.
Bermeja Island would have been located -according to Google Maps- 100 kilometers northwest of the Yucatan Peninsula, in the Gulf of Mexico, at 22 degrees, 33 minutes north latitude and 91 degrees, 22 minutes west longitude.

Therefore, the Mayan Train will not pass near the extinct island, since, according to the construction plan, carried out by the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism ( Fonatur ), section 3 of the mega-work covers the territory of Yucatan, specifically, at the Mérida Aeropuerto station and will pass through Teya and Izamal, where two stations will be located.
Yucatan Ghost Island?
Based on various conspiracy theories, the Bermeja Island disappeared because it sank due to a tidal wave. Also, the hypothesis was handled that it was dynamited by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) so that the United States would have an advantage over the oil of the place.
Based on research published by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), the first reference to the island dates back to 1536. From that year on, the island appears in most cartographies of the Gulf of Mexico, sometimes like Bermeja and others like Bermejo.

In 2008 the Senate of the Republic requested the Government to carry out an expedition to verify the existence of the famous Bermeja Island. Therefore, on March 20, 2009, a group of researchers from the National Autonomous University of Mexico ( UNAM ) undertook in search of the islet that, if it existed, would provide millions of euros to the country.
However, after a week of travel, they found nothing. Neither on the surface nor in the depth. Two more expeditions were commissioned, but the same conclusion was reached: Bermeja does not exist
According to the INEGI and the director of the UNAM Geophysics Institute, Jaime Urrutia, the idea of this islet is due to a cartographic error that was copied on later maps without anyone verifying it. _ With information from the UNAM Gazette.