Massive Caller survey shows the preferences of parties and candidates for the governorship of Yucatan in the 2024 elections.
The Massive Caller polling house released the results of its survey on the intentions to vote for the elections for governor of Yucatan in 2024 corresponding to August 2.

According to the survey, if the elections were held today, Morena would win the governorship of Yucatan with a preference of 38.5%; in second place would be the PAN , with 34.3%, and in third place the PRI , with 8.3%. “Another” party represents 5.1% and 13.8% have not yet decided.
Elections for governor of Yucatan: Morena goes backwards and the PAN advances
The results for August reveal a setback for Morena in the intention to vote and an advance for the PAN in one month, since in the survey of last July 28 those parties obtained 39.3% and 33.8%, respectively. The PRI advanced one percentage point, since in July it obtained 8.2%.
The August survey places the PAN 4.2 points below Morena, against 5.5 in the previous survey.
It should be noted that this time the number of people who would vote for “another” increased, going from 4.9% to 5.1%, while “not yet decided” remained unchanged.
Who would you like to be the candidate for governor of Yucatan?
Regarding the preference of candidates for governor by party , the results of the August Massive Caller survey were as follows:
- For the PAN, Renan Barrera Concha
- For the PRI, Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marín
- By Morena, Joaquin “Huacho” Diaz Mena
Preferred candidates in the PAN, PRI and Morena
PAN member Renán Barrera would have a wide advantage over Julián Zacarías Curi, with 41.2% and 14.7%, respectively. In the survey of last July, Cecilia Patron was in second place, with 29.3% against 41% of the current mayor of Mérida.
In the case of the PRI, Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marín has 34.2% of the preferences against 19.3% of Mauricio Sahuí Rivero. Last July they were at 30% and 24.3%, respectively. That is to say, there was also an advance in the advantage of Ramírez Marín.
Regarding the Morena candidates, Joaquín “Huacho” Díaz Mena obtained 32.9% of the preferences in August against 22.2% of Verónica Camino Farjat, a slight change with respect to the July 28 survey, when they obtained 32.2% and 22.1%, in that order.