Money is approved to support animal shelters in Mérida


City Council gives green light to Animal Welfare Alliance program

MÉRIDA, Yuc.- Organizations that house and shelter animals in Mérida will receive financial support after the Mérida Council approved the operating rules of the Animal Welfare Alliance program, which will have a budget of 5 million pesos.

In an ordinary session of the Town Council, held this Tuesday in the “Rosa Torre González” room, the councilors approved the proposal of Mayor Renán Barrera Concha, on the operating rules of the aforementioned plan.

The program seeks to establish general provisions that regulate the organization and operation of animal shelters.

Who will they support?

The support is applicable to non-profit legal entities and individuals who carry out work of sheltering animals, specifically feral or street dogs and cats, established in the Municipality of Mérida and its comisarias, who meet the requirements that are indicated in the aforementioned rules.

The plan seeks to strengthen people and groups that stand out in the care of homeless or abandoned dogs and cats.

The city seeks to create better conditions that allow these organizations to meet the different needs of the animals they protect.

Source: Sipse