One hundred thousand INE credentials in Yucatán will expire before the 2024 election


The National Electoral Institute (INE) called on citizens to review the validity of their voting credentials, as well as the data corresponding to their federal and local districts, according to the location of their home, since as of last September 106,548 had already They had to update it.

This new credential will be valid for the elections that will take place on the first Sunday in June 2024 and will be valid for the next 10 years.

“It is important to keep in mind that the electoral registry will be closed to process registrations or updates on January 22, 2024, according to the deadlines approved by the General Council of the INE. This means that there are only 10 weeks left until that deadline expires,” warned Eliézer Serrano Rodríguez, member of the Federal Electoral Registry (RFE) in Yucatán.

He stressed the importance of citizens participating and consulting the status of their registration in the electoral roll, thus contributing decisively to the integration and constant updating of an authentic and reliable electoral instrument.

In cases where it is necessary to process a new credential, it is essential to go to the module carrying three original documents:

Birth certificate, recent proof of address, and official photo identification (current voting card, national military service record, driver’s license, passport, professional ID, public or private school documents, public service credentials, credentials of beneficiaries, etc.).

More than 100 thousand people have not yet updated their credentials

Eliézer Serrano Rodríguez, member of the Federal Electoral Registry in Yucatán reported that as of September 30, there were 106,548 records of voters who had not updated their credentials in this situation. They still do not have the figure for the closing of last October, but it is important to specify that those who do not update their credentials due to those 16 sections, will not have any problems and will be able to vote on June 2.

Those who will have problems and will not be able to vote will be those whose voter ID expires this year in December and who do not come to update it.

Source: SIPSE

The Yucatan Post