Yucatan: the presence of snakes on the beaches increases due to garbage left by people


Due to the garbage generated by people, pests are attracted, which turn out to be the perfect food for these reptiles.

The presence of people on the beaches and that they leave their garbage causes the generation of pests that are the ideal food for snakes, so during these days the presence of these reptiles increases. 

In addition, it is important that people do not try to touch them so as not to suffer a bite, informed Enrique Valdez Escobedo, a member of the Ya’ax Kaan Yucatán team: Rescue and Relocation of Amphibians and Reptiles.

“In coastal areas it is not so common to find snakes, yes we will find snakes but they are harmless”, however, he said that these days the presence could be greater due to garbage. 

Fortunately we do not have any that are poisonous like the coral that are the relatives of the coral reefs, however, the possibility that the one known as Huolpoch may be seen, which with its bite can be dangerous , is not ruled out , “he explained.

These types of animals live in the mangroves or dunes, it is difficult to see inside the beaches, they are common in uninhabited areas that seek shelter and food such as frogs or small birds that inhabit those places.

“In flooded areas one of the species that we can find are the striped snakes, which live in the mangrove, they do not live completely on the beach but if very close to it, that is why it can be seen at some point if we are close of its habitat zone ”.

The specialist in these animals reported that if people come across a snake, they should not touch it since “now it is customary to take photographs to upload them on social networks but this is not recommended.”

“While these animals are harmless when disturbed by humans, it does get stressed.”

He said such a bite could lead to infections due to the amount of bacteria in the snake’s mouth. 

Source: sipse.com

The Yucatan Post