Acts of vandalism in protest against the Maya Train Project regsitered in Germany


BERLIN, GERMANY.- Unidentified persons broke windows and set fire to two cars at the office of the German railway company Deutsche Bahn.

According to the Police, several unknown persons broke windows in a Deutsche Bahn office located in Berlin-Mitte on the night of Wednesday to Thursday (27.7.2023).

In addition, two cars were set on fire in the company’s parking lot, on Caroline-Michaelis-Strasse.

Apparently, residents of the area informed the Police about a loud noise that would have occurred early in the morning. Upon arrival, police officers found several broken windows and a legend saying: “STOP TREN MAYA”.

The unknown persons not only broke windows but also set two cars on fire.

The Police suspect that it was a political protest act since the authors sprayed the words “Stop Mayan Train” on the window of a building.

Source: Deutsche Welle

The Yucatan Post