Carnival pairing in Cozumel, Mazatlán and Mérida


According to the results of my web search, the Carnaval of Cancún 2024 will take place from February 8 to 13, with the participation of artists such as Grupo Cañaveral, Los Ilegales, Merenglass, La Trakalosa de Monterrey and Los Súper Lamas¹². The motto of this year is “The Carnaval Unites Us” and there will be parades of allegorical cars, comparsas and dances in the Plaza de la Reforma.

Another alternative is Mazatlán, where the Carnaval will be celebrated from February 8 to 13, with the theme “Baroque Eclipse”. In addition to enjoying the party, you can take a tour in pulmonía, a typical transport of the city, and taste the local gastronomy in the most emblematic and tasty restaurants. You can also take advantage of the sighting of the colossal humpback whales that visit the coast.

Finally, Mérida awaits you with its Carnaval from February 7 to 14, under the motto “Re-Evolution, from Fantasy to Innovation”. This city offers you a ride in a carriage through its colonial houses, as well as a culinary tour of its traditional dishes such as poc chuc, lechón and cochinita pibil.

Source: Reforma