Vaccination against covid-19 begins in Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán, Yucatán and Tabasco


The states that received vaccines from Pfizer on Tuesday began to apply them this Wednesday among medical personnel who care for patients with Covid-19.

In various states of the Mexican Republic, vaccination against covid-19 began on Wednesday, a disease that in the country has taken the lives of 136,917 people, with 1,571,901 cases accumulated so far.


After 24,375 doses of Pfizer vaccines arrived in Jalisco last night, today the inoculation began among the health personnel who work in the first line of care for patients infected with the coronavirus.

The first to receive the vaccine was the head of epidemiology at the Hospital General de Occidente, David Díaz Santana Bustamante, 66, followed by Melissa Zapiaín Sánchez, 37, a doctor in the covid area.

The Secretary of Health in the state, Fernando Petersen, indicated that the vaccines will be distributed in the 49 hospitals that make up the IRAG Network (Acute Respiratory Infections), and in the next three days, almost all the medical personnel will be covered in the different regions.

So far, among health workers, there are 13,317 infected by coronavirus and 114 deaths (54 were doctors, 30 nurses, and 30 from other areas) in Jalisco.

Among the hospitals that received vaccines are the IMSS, the ISSSTE and those of the Ministry of Health stand out.

Of the total number of vaccines received, 16,000 were left for hospitals in the Guadalajara metropolitan area.

Petersen explained that, after vaccinating the doctors who care for those infected with coronavirus, the staff who work in covid hospitals will continue, and in the third stage the rest of the health workers will be included.


In Colima, nurse Celia Castañeda Deniz, from the Regional University Hospital (HRU), was the first health worker to receive the covid-19 vaccine this Wednesday, after the first batch of 4,875 doses arrived in the state last night.

With 14 years of service in the sector, the nurse said she was chosen because since the beginning of the pandemic she has been dedicated to the care of patients affected by the coronavirus.

“Since then I have not rested, I have been with them by choice; the most difficult thing for patients is that they are left alone with us, and that is why we have to take care of them because they do not realize it until they are inside ”, she stated in statements made after the vaccine was applied, in an act attended by Governor José Ignacio Peralta Sánchez and the head of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Leticia Guadalupe Delgado Carrillo.

Celia Castañeda commented that she had no discomfort and only experienced “minimal pain” when receiving the vaccine. Now, she said, “I feel a little protected, safer, but we must not lower our guard, we must maintain the measures so as not to get infected.”

During the act, in the main access of the HRU, Peralta Sánchez said that the application of the vaccine in the state will be carried out with responsibility and transparency, as established by the National Vaccination Plan.

Before in the framework of the first meeting of the State Vaccination Council (Coeva) 2021, the president ordered the directors of the eight IMSS, ISSSTE, and SSBS hospitals, where the vaccine was distributed, to act with transparency so that these reach those who are at the forefront caring for coronavirus patients.

The head of the Executive indicated that there will be 3,333 health workers from the Covid areas who will be immunized with the biological of the first batch that arrived yesterday on an Air Force plane, and there will be a period of 72 hours to conclude with its application.

“It is a pride to receive this vaccine” Michoacan.

In Michoacán, the nurse Ariana Lizeth Gaona Guillén, assigned to the covid-19 area of ​​Emergencies of the General Hospital of Zone No. 83, in Morelia, received the number one vaccine, of the 14,652 that will be applied in the entity to professionals Of the health.

“I am on the night shift in the emergency department, I am proud to have received this vaccine, and thank you because it was something we were very glad to expect. I thank the Institute for taking care of us because we are on the front line of combat against covid-19. I have two daughters and my husband, and by being protected, they will be calmer ”.

In the presence of delegations authorities of the IMSS and Welfare, as well as members of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), this Wednesday the vaccination of nurses, doctors, orderlies, radiologists, laboratory workers, and cleaning personnel, as well as nutritionists social workers began and, who are on the front line of care for coronavirus patients.

The vaccination began at the IMSS General Zone Hospital number 83, located on Camelinas de Morelia avenue, where IMSS and Army personnel were stationed early.

There will be 14,652 doses that will be applied to health professionals from public and private hospitals in Michoacán, and it is estimated that the application will take three days after the biological arrived at the medical units that were selected.


With the application of the dose to the nurses María Andrea Ventura Cauich and Pedro Pablo Chel Yah –both assigned to the ‘covitario’ of the General Hospital “Dr. Agustín O’Horán ”, since the beginning of the contingency–, also this morning the first phase of vaccination against the coronavirus started in Yucatán.

The state has not been able to get out of the orange color at the epidemiological traffic light, and since the beginning of the pandemic to date, there are 27 thousand 589 confirmed cases of covid-19 and 2 thousand 982 deaths. This week, Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal warned of a worrying rebound in hospital admissions.

Today, the president witnessed in the “O’Horán” the start of the immunization procedure in the state, which began simultaneously in the 16 hospitals included in the plan. Health personnel will receive the 9,750 doses that arrived, of the 10,725 that were expected.

From early on, doctors and nurses who work in the first line of COVID control showed up at the hospitals and clinics where they work, with their respective digital vaccination passes that came to their emails, to wait their turn.

Once vaccinated, they were held for 30 minutes in the observation area, and finally, they returned to their activities.

In addition to the “O’Horán”, the medical units included for vaccination in this first phase are the general hospitals of Tekax, Valladolid, San Carlos de Tizimín, as well as the Temporary Attention Center Covid in the XXI Century and the provisional one in Valladolid.

Likewise, the Mérida Regional Hospital of the State Workers’ Social Services and Security Institute (ISSSTE) and the High Specialty Regional Hospital of the Yucatan Peninsula (HRAEPY).

Also the IMSS-Bienestar hospital and the rural hospitals of Acanceh, Izamal, Maxcanú and Oxkutzcab; the Hospital de Especialidades 1; the Regional General Hospital No.1 “Lic. Ignacio García Téllez ”, and the Regional General Hospital No. 12 IMSS“ Lic. Benito Juarez”. The Regional Military Hospital of Mérida is included.


On the other hand, at the “Juan Graham Casasús” High Specialty Hospital in Villahermosa, the vaccination of medical personnel who treat covid-19 patients in Tabasco began. The first dose was received by the internist Ernesto Hernández Alonso.

The start was simultaneous in 11 Covid hospitals throughout the state, after the arrival – last night – of the first batch of 9,975 vaccines from the pharmaceutical company Pfizer to immunize medical personnel, nurses, and orderlies.

The Secretary of Health, Silvia Guillermina Roldán Fernández, reported that in the first stage more than 31,000 doses will arrive in Tabasco for all health sector personnel, estimated at around 18,000, which must be vaccinated in February.

Later, the program will start with adults over 65 years of age and over, with the purpose that by the end of the year more than 70% of the population has been immunized.

Víctor Manuel Narváez Osorio, director of the Juan Graham Casasús Hospital, which cares for the largest number of Covid patients, said that 812 doctors, nurses, orderlies, as well as quartermaster and maintenance personnel received the vaccine, and it will later be extended to another 1,430 workers to cover the general staff of 2,200 employees.

Governor Adán Augusto López Hernández verified the application of the vaccines in the Juan Graham Casasús and Gustavo Rovirosa hospitals, with the participation of the Army and National Guard, as well as the federal and state health sector and the Ministry of Welfare.

He ruled out that in Tabasco there are “influentials” for the application, as has happened in other entities, where medical directors have vaccinated relatives taking advantage of their position.

He said that, depending on the age range, he would be immunized around May.


Mexico Daily Post