On Monday, Feb. 15th, Justina Mex Hau, an 84-year-old woman, became the first elderly person in the state to receive the Coronavirus vaccine, a procedure that Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal confirmed and marked as the start of a massive vaccination campaign in Yucatán.
Minutes after Justina Mex was vaccinated, the State Health Secretariat (SSY), Mauricio Sauri Vivas, and the Commander of the 32nd Military Zone, Brigadier General, Francisco Miguel Aranda Gutiérrez, along with the State Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal, witnessed the administration of the dose to Esteban Euán Hau, 82-year-old Valladolid man, who suffers from hypertension, which makes him more afraid of getting sick.

Mex Hau and Euán Hau arrived early in the day at the General Hospital of Valladolid, where they were summoned for their vaccination, both with the illusion of receiving the dose and being more protected, however, they are aware that they have to continue taking care of themselves, avoiding leave your home, constantly washing your hands and using the mask correctly.
“It is very good that the vaccines are already arriving for us. Those of us who are vaccinated, are going to be more protected, ”said Esteban Euan Hau after getting the first of two shots of the Covid-19 vaccine.

In an interview after the supervision, the Governor affirmed that, without a doubt, with the beginning of vaccination of the elderly population, hope returns to Yucatan that little by little we can end the pandemic, however, he called not to lower the guard in the sanitary measures and to continue taking care of each other, as the pandemic is far from over, and the vaccination process is expected to end until March 2022.

Vila Dosal explained that the vaccination will be carried out in the following way: 8,750 doses will be applied in Valladolid, having as specific points the General Hospital of Valladolid, the Urban Health Center, and the Family Medical Units of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS ) and the Institute of Social Security and Services for State Workers (ISSSTE).
In the municipality of Motul, he continued, 5,260 doses will be applied in the IMSS Hospital of that city, in the Health Center of the State Health Secretariat, and the Family Medical Unit of the ISSSTE. While, in Conkal, where 1,630 vaccines are being delivered, the IMSS Family Medical Unit will be the vaccination point.

Regarding the application of the vaccines, the Governor explained that, on this occasion, the doses are from the AstraZeneca laboratory, which also requires two applications, which would be between 21 and 35 days apart, and is much more manageable since they require temperatures of two to eight degrees.
Likewise, Vila Dosal reiterated that the vaccination planning and logistics process is carried out by the Federal Government, who are determining where and to whom the vaccines are going to be given; For this reason, these municipalities were chosen, according to the number of doses that reached the state, because with this new shipment it will be enough to be able to vaccinate the elderly in these districts.
In this sense, the Governor asked the Yucatecans not to attend the vaccination centers if they do not have a scheduled appointment, in order to avoid crowds that put people’s health and lives at risk.
In this framework, Vila Dosal reported that, according to what was said by the Federation, the vaccines will be arriving weekly and it is expected that this week another shipment of the Pfizer vaccine will arrive to continue with the vaccination of health personnel, which is one of the great requests that have been made from Yucatan, that preference be given to health personnel, that the second dose is applied, and not only from public hospitals but also from private hospitals.

Finally, the Governor thanked the Federal Government and the Mexican Army for the coordinated work to carry out the vaccination across the state.
It must be remembered that the vaccines are being administered to the population that has been previously registered and selected through the platforms of the federal government, so the Federation is in charge of the planning and protocols of this vaccination and the state government only is supporting with these tasks.
Source: SIPSE