What if they told you that today more than ever you can go out and live life to the fullest? Would you believe it right now? What if I tell you that it can be done? Tulum District in Mérida launches an invitation to revitalize this beautiful city.
It happens that life is nothing more and nothing less than an opportunity to show ourselves that we can achieve what we set out to do, and as such, it always gives us the perfect opportunity to choose what is best for us.
The pandemic that has spread has paralyzed the world, leaving an impression of the emptiness of those colorful and lively walks in which people gathered to share moments: squares, parks, schools, restaurants, clothing stores, hotels … places where the laughter, the talks, the encounters were always the protagonists of the scene.
And if there is a place where we must not allow the stages to be left without actors and without their characteristic spirit, it is in little Mérida, in the Yucatan peninsula. It is here, in the quiet “white city”, always ruled by the kindness of its inhabitants, where we have to take care more than ever of the legacy of those beautiful streets that do not want to stop smiling.
Not for nothing was it declared by specialized travel publications as the best small city to visit in the world. Is that this capital rich in Mayan and colonial heritage has everything to continue growing, if its wings are not clipped … Just imagine the Santa Lucía Park at night without its classic serenades, music, dances and Yucatecan dresses that perfectly decorate the landscape . It’s strange to think of it like that, right?

Since the “health emergency due to force majeure” was declared in Mexico in March 2020, prevention and control measures have not stopped expanding. Today, almost a year after that announcement, nothing changed, and many places like Mérida, where enjoyment always stood out, became uninhabited spaces with closed doors and upturned chairs after 10 at night, and people hurried by arrive at their homes before the “curfew” established several months ago.

Without a doubt, nothing will ever be the same in this small white city, but that is why today the world gives us the opportunity to rise up and start from scratch, stronger than ever. There is life out there, and much has already been lost but there is still much to gain. For all this, today we raise our voices and call for respect for freedom, for a new awakening, taking into account how the measures taken are affecting everyone in ways never seen before.
Let’s return color, joy and music to the streets of Mérida, let’s live to the fullest, respecting more than ever the freedom and decisions of each and every one of the inhabitants. This is nothing more than a call, an invitation to participate in the recovery of the essence of this place that used to have so much life.
Let’s walk forward. Together, we can do it!
#Let’s go back to the streets of merida
By Manuela Sallent for the Tulum District in Mérida.
Source: forbes.com.mx