Chichen Itzá received over 521,000 visitors in the first quarter of 2022 (VIDEO)


The Board of Cultural and Tourist Services Units of the State of Yucatan, Patronato Cultur, in charge of Mauricio Díaz Montalvo, highlighted that the service centers in charge of the state government attended 892 thousand visitors in its 17 service points, being Chichen Itzá which registered the largest number of users.

Díaz Montalvo pointed out that the economic recovery and the reactivation of services and capacity for points of cultural and tourist interest have risen to 100 percent; however, in the first quarter they remained at 75 percent capacity and significant numbers of visitors were obtained.

The archaeological zone of Chichen Itzá received almost 521,000 visitors in the first quarter of this year. Registering a significant increase with the new “Nights of Kukulkan” video mapping show, which adds up to around 8,000 tourists and, according to estimates, the year could end with a total of  2.3 million visitors.


He explained that the archaeological zone of Uxmal has also grown in the number of visitors and at the end of the first quarter of 2022 it has received 69 thousand tourists, and the new night show “Ecos de Uxmal” in its new format has brought 3 thousand extra visitors per presentation.

He said that the tourist hostels of the state government are gradually recovering the number of attendees and users, with the presence of a greater number of tourists who are coming to our state.

It is important to comply with all the health protocols required by the Ministry of Health. As it was done during the three days of the spring equinox that took place in Chichen Itzá, which in three days received about 27 thousand tourists.

He explained that the most important archaeological zones are the sites of greatest tourist interest, as is the case of Ek Balám, which has received 42,000 attendees, Dzibilchaltún, 8,182 in January and February, and is currently closed due to differences between groups. of Ejidatarios.

Source: SIPSE

The Yucatan Post