The closure of Xibalbá is a “smokescreen” for AMLO Mayan Train environmental protest


The 4T consummates the closure of the Calica stone bank

The threat of definitive closure of the federal government to the Xibalbá theme park, of Grupo Xcaret, is only a smokescreen to divert attention and that environmentalists do not continue criticizing the Mayan Train project, said Carlos Guillermo Aguirre Aguilar, president of the Association of Restaurants and Gastronomic Services of Valladolid.

In addition, he warned, the closure of the park would affect various sectors of society, including families who had already made business plans around the project and investors who acquired land in the area in order to offer tourist services.

Yesterday another similar threat was consummated: the Ministry of the Environment reported that it closed the Calica materials bank, owned by the company Vulcan, near Playa del Carmen, because digging under the water table “puts the quality of the water and the subsoil conditions.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador wants the water-filled bank to be turned into a theme park to compete with Xcaret. He also wants Vulcan to build a dock for cruise ships at a cargo terminal.

The federal argument in question

The closure of the Xibalba theme park, owned by the Xcaret group, would affect the local economy, and put various sectors of society in a difficult state, including families who had already made business plans around the project and various investors who had already they would have acquired land in the area, where it is located, in order to create various tourist services.

As we have published, the federal government, through the Federal Attorney and Environmental Protection Office (Profepa), closed for the second time the theme park that was scheduled to be inaugurated next June, due to the damage caused by the environmental impact that is originating from breaking the walls of two cenotes to create an artificial river but with natural water.

No description available.

In the same way, they point out it for not having an environmental impact statement, but the strangest thing was that the federal authorities indicated that the Xibalbá project exceeded 4 hectares of the initial plan, so that means that it did present the corresponding documentation.

On the matter, Manuel Navarrete Correa, president of the Magical Towns committee, commented that it is difficult for a company like the Xcaret Group not to have presented its corresponding permits, in addition, the federal authorities point out that 1.01% of the 400 hectares exceeded its project, that means that it did have its environmental impact statement.

A Civil Engineer by profession and former director of Public Works and Urban Development, Navarrete Correa recalled that the construction regulations state that up to 5% can be spent by a builder on the project that he presents to the authorities and there is no problem, only the modifications and ready, but in no way is it a reason for the closure.

Xibalbá case, with social and economic effects

He recalled that when a project of any kind is carried out, it is normal for there to be negative and positive aspects, but in the case of Xibalbá, the social and economic effects will be had in the event of its definitive closure are much greater.

Compared to the Mayan train project, he considered that the Xibalba theme park would, of course, generate more jobs as soon as it is in operation and that will bring benefits to the city with important economic benefits.

On the same matter, Carlos Guillermo Aguirre Aguilar, president of the Association of Restaurants and Gastronomic Services of Valladolid (Reserve), stated that the President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, only intends to create a smokescreen to divert the attention of the environmentalists so that they stop criticizing the Mayan Train project and he continues with his plan without a problem.

He commented that the message he wants to give to the country is clear, by arguing for a private project that according to him affects the subsoil, with private investment, and trying to compare it with a federal plan with public investment, which of course is in the eye of Mexican society for damage to nature.

He explained that his association will always agree with investments that are made and that it means increasing the tourist flow since the impact will be of benefit to service providers. That is why one of the objectives of his group is economic democracy since everyone must win with the projects so that when the theme park is closed, the damage will be irreversible and that must be taken into account by the federal government that is affecting the eastern zone of Yucatan.