Vendor of ”magical” frappés in Mérida will remain in prison


MÉRIDA.- Last week elements of the State Attorney General’s Office ( FGE ) and agents of the State Investigative Police ( PEI ) of the Ministry of Public Security ( SSP ) carried out a search where  CTRC was arrested, who was charged with crimes against health in the form of drug dealing, in the variant of possession for commercial purposes of the narcotics cannabis and cocaine.

Arrested sold “magical” frappés

During the judicial diligence carried out, the prosecution established that on June 23 a search warrant was executed on the property located in the aforementioned subdivision, where the narcotics that he sold were found, and at the same time he prepared frappés with the same stimulants, so it was sent to the Prosecutor’s Office, where the investigation folder was integrated, which led to criminal case 201/2022.

Se le acabó el negociazo; detienen a vendedor de frappés con marihuana, en  Mérida -

The litigation prosecutors presented the arguments to request the precautionary measure of justified preventive detention, which was granted by the Control Judge, for which the accused will remain deprived of his liberty.

In the hearing held at the Oral Justice Center of Mérida, the litigation prosecutors formulated the imputation of the crime and then presented the evidence to request the link to the process of the accused, who requested the extension of the constitutional term to resolve his legal situation. Therefore, the First Control Judge established that the hearing should resume on June 28.

The Yucatan Post