Mérida, one of the best destinations in the world to visit in 2024


Mérida, Yucatán, January 5, 2024.- Yucatán positions itself as an attractive tourist destination at an international level, as its capital is considered one of the 24 best places in the world to visit by CNN Travel, becoming the only city in Mexico included in this list, highlighting its high levels of security, colonial beauty, culture, as well as its natural attractions, as a result of the impulse of Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal to attract more visitors and with it, economic spill to the entity.

In the recommendations of the specialized publication in travel Where to go in 2024 by CNN Travel, Mérida is considered by travelers as a great destination for the mix of Maya and colonial heritage, as well as describing Paseo de Montejo as a place full of historical mansions, art galleries, boutique hotels and highlighting the advantage of its location being close to the coast as Progreso port, as well as fascinating Maya archaeological sites and its cenotes.

In this way, Mérida, is the only Mexican city that is part of this list of 24 places to visit, along with destinations such as Angola, in southern Africa; Sant John in Canada; South Korea; Albania, Chile, Macedonia in Greece; Panama, Morocco, Fujairah in United Arab Emirates, Greenland, Singapore and Galicia, Spain, among others.

The CNN Travel list suggests places that are attractive outside of high seasons, as well as facilitating the visit of tourists and calls for promoting sustainable tourism; as well as in its article highlighted that, the US State Department rated Yucatán as one of the safest places in December.

This reflects that Yucatán is living a historic moment in tourism matters thanks to the promotion that Vila Dosal has driven of the cultural and gastronomic riches of the entity, the latter, representing a great attraction that has brought to the entity events of great importance.

In figures, 2022 was the year that more visitors have been received in Yucatán, however, it is very likely that 2023 will break this record, for which, in the administration of Vila Dosal it has been bet to diversify Yucatán as a destination and have a better infrastructure to receive more tourists that generate employment and economy for the Yucatecan families.

Source: Press Release