This Saturday, May 11th, educational organizations and civil society invite you to the celebration of World Fair Trade Day, which will take place at the flagpole of La Plancha Park in Mérida.
At the event, scheduled from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM, there will be an exhibition and sale of local products such as tilapia and mead, goat milk products, eggs, melipona honey, sauces and concentrates, vegetables, and fruits.
Marist University of Mérida is part of the organization, and there will be a space with projects by teacher Javier Aranda on Food Sovereignty and the producers of the Orchard Project by engineer Jorge Trujillo.
This event is an opportunity to highlight the importance of supporting fair and sustainable trade practices that benefit producers.
What is Fair Trade?
According to global Fair Trade networks, it is defined as a commercial alliance based on dialogue, transparency, and respect, seeking greater equity in international trade.
It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trade conditions and guaranteeing the rights of marginalized producers and workers.
May 14th has been designated as World Fair Trade Day, aiming to transform the current unsustainable economic model, seeking more sustainable production, trade, and consumption patterns.
During the 1940s and 1950s, the first Fair Trade initiative developed in the United States through an organization that supported the purchase and sale of handicrafts in Puerto Rico and the southern United States.
In the 1960s and 1970s, a significant number of producer organizations began to emerge in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, deciding to participate in this movement.
Source: Sipse