Blackouts in Yucatán Continue; New Blockades Due to Lack of Electricity


Tuesday night’s rainfall caused a power outage in the neighborhoods of Mérida.

Discontent against CFE is growing, as even though the rain provided a slight respite from the high temperatures and the energy emergency ended, blackouts in Mérida and various municipalities of the state continue, seemingly without end.

Tuesday night’s rainfall caused a power outage in the Petronila, García Ginerés, Santiago neighborhood, Gran San Pedro Cholul subdivision, and the Altabrisa area, as well as other residential areas of Mérida.

Mérida was not the only affected area, as the power supply was also disrupted in Conkal, Sinanché, Ixil, and Chicxulub Pueblo.

Through social networks, residents of Conkal reported that the lack of supply is recurrent, which has damaged their electrical appliances and has increased over the past two weeks.

Today, blackouts continue in the state capital, as this morning residents of the Nueva Pacabtún neighborhood, east of Mérida, were once again left without electricity, leading them to block 50th Street between 7th, 9th, and 11th Streets. Those affected indicate that since Tuesday afternoon they have been without light, due to the rain and winds that occurred.

They indicated that CFE told them it would be a minimum of 48 hours before service is restored in that area, but the neighbors decided to protest because the light had only just returned Monday night, after almost three days, and they are not willing to continue enduring the high temperatures without electricity.

Source: El Universal