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Domestic Workers in Yucatán, ‘Invisible’ Due to Lack of IMSS Affiliation

- August 20, 2024

Out of a total of 59,573 domestic workers in Yucatán, only 1,389 are registered with IMSS due to lack of affiliation.

As of July, the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) reported that only 1,389 out of 59,573 paid domestic workers were affiliated. In December 2018, the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional the exclusion of domestic workers from social security benefits. According to IMSS reports, nationally, there are 59,000 domestic workers who have registered and 123,000 beneficiaries. Nationally, employers register domestic workers with a minimum wage above 329 pesos on average per day.

In Yucatán, only 1,389 out of 59,573 domestic workers were affiliated with the IMSS by July this year. The low level of registration in Yucatan is notable as it is mandatory to register domestic workers with IMSS and since January, they can also make contributions to INFONAVIT.

In Mérida, a voluntary census was coordinated by the Municipal Institute for Women and Jade Sociales, A.C., highlighting problems faced by 362 workers: lack of labor contracts (97%), only 2% are affiliated with IMSS, 19% take four to six transports to get to work, and 7% have experienced violence at work.

The social security scheme for domestic workers offers all benefits including medical care, pharmaceuticals, hospitalization for the insured and their beneficiaries, disability due to illness or accidents, life pensions, retirement savings, daycare services, funeral services, among others. The benefits include 60% of the salary in case of general illness and 100% when there is a work risk.

Employers can register domestic workers with IMSS on a microsite (http://imss.gob.mx/personas-trabajadoras-hogar) that offers tutorials and a fee calculator. This type of insurance provides multiple benefits including medical, hospital, pharmaceutical care, disabilities, disability and life pensions, retirement funds, social benefits such as daycare services, and the option to register beneficiaries.

The incorporation mechanism is completed in an estimated 10 minutes. The employer must register and indicate the days of the month and salary, thus paying the corresponding fees, regardless of how many employers the person has. This insurance scheme generates more than 120 million pesos in monthly revenue for Social Security, allowing for the provision of benefits and infrastructure expansion.

In conclusion, only 1,389 out of 59,573 domestic workers in Yucatán are registered with IMSS due to lack of affiliation, highlighting the need for employers to comply with their obligation to register domestic workers. The social security scheme for domestic workers offers multiple benefits, providing financial sustainability and empowering the sector.

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