Morena Yucatán: Founders Criticize Huacho Díaz’s Cabinet, Point to “Serious Misconduct”


Susana Gamboa Salazar and Alejandra Novelo Segura, founders of the Morena party in Yucatán, described the presentation of the expanded cabinet of governor-elect Joaquín Díaz Mena as a “three-ring circus of what will be a fifth-rate government, full of simulations and many corrupt individuals.”

“It will be a government of simulations. That’s how we feel, those of us who didn’t sell out.

“I was offered a position in the government, either at the state or federal level, but I didn’t accept because they also conditioned it on me publicly stating that I regretted not supporting ‘Huacho’,” said Alejandra Novelo, who was the coordinator of the Morena caucus in the last state legislature.

They asked her to do as Bayardo Ojeda Marrufo did, who supported Renán Barrera Concha in the gubernatorial race and then, after Díaz Mena won, regretted it and returned to Morena.

“I have dignity and I didn’t accept,” said the former deputy.

Susana Gamboa, coordinator of the Antichapulines movement in Morena, declared that the presentation of the expanded cabinet was just “the continuation of the three-ring circus of the chapulines.”

“It seemed like a roll call of prisoners and their crimes in a penitentiary, given the long records and baggage of those appointed,” she said.

Ex-PRI Members Predominate in Joaquín Díaz Mena’s Cabinet

Last Tuesday, the governor-elect presented his expanded cabinet, which includes former PAN members, children of well-known ex-PRI members, a television host, and some members of civil society, among others. Díaz Mena’s team also includes former state presidents of the PRI.

Alejandra Novelo said it was something that was already anticipated and she had warned about it in advance. This was one of the reasons she decided not to support Díaz Mena for governor, as she also stated publicly.

“Unfortunately and regrettably, it came true. We already saw which characters will be in the expanded and legal cabinet. They took advantage of the brand of a movement to get a public position and do what they do best: steal, only now under the 4T, Morena’s banner. They don’t even believe in that national project,” she asserted.

The former Morena deputy stated that if Felipe Carrillo Puerto, the first socialist governor of Yucatán, were alive, he would be renouncing them.

“These appointees cannot call themselves socialists when they repeat the patterns of the country’s corrupt governments. This was evident from the beginning. Everything started badly in Morena’s internal process to choose councilors and candidates, and now they are proving us right,” she said.

“It looks like it will be one of the most corrupt governments in history,” she expressed.

Susana Gamboa went further by highlighting the “baggage” that members of Díaz Mena’s cabinet carry.

Point to “Serious Misconduct”

“Special mention is deserved for Domingo Rodríguez Semerena, appointed to the University of the Arts of Yucatán, for his serious misconduct. Appointing someone whom society labels as a criminal makes me doubt Díaz Mena’s mental faculties.”

“This PAN chapulín was at the Yucatán Institute of Culture with exorbitant salaries for himself and his cronies.

“He was accused of workplace harassment, of a physical nature, and of arbitrarily firing employees to replace them with his PAN buddies, using the catering services of a company owned by Ligia Mercedes Canto Concha,” she said.

The Morena member listed other irregularities allegedly committed by other members of the upcoming governor’s legal and expanded cabinet.

Source: Diario de Yucatan