Weather in Mérida: What to Expect


Wondering what to wear on January 4 in Mérida? Here’s the weather forecast for the next few hours:

– Temperature: Expect a high of 29°C and a low of 16°C.

– Rain: There’s a 1% chance of rain during the day and night.

– Cloudiness: 20% during the day and 65% at night.

– Wind: Gusts up to 35 km/h during the day and 32 km/h at night.

– UV Index: Up to level 5, so be cautious with sun exposure.

Average Temperature in Mérida

Mérida and the Yucatán Peninsula generally experience a warm sub-humid climate with summer rains. The average temperature is 26.6°C. The rainy season lasts from May to January, but showers in the dry months are brief and don’t hinder beach activities.

Seasonal Weather Patterns

– Hottest Season: April to August, with temperatures reaching 40°C.

– Cooler Season: September to January, with winds that cool the city.

Mexico’s Diverse Climate

Mexico’s geographic location and varied topography result in diverse climates, from temperate to tropical. The country experiences a range of climates, including warm subhumid, dry, semi-dry, desert, humid, temperate subhumid, temperate humid, and cold.

– Highest Temperature: 58.5°C in San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora, on July 6, 1966.

– Lowest Temperature: -25°C in Madero, Chihuahua, on December 27, 1997.

Impact of Global Warming

Global warming has affected Mexico’s climate, leading to reduced annual rainfall and increased temperatures. This has impacted farmers and ranchers with droughts and floods and caused more environmental contingencies in major cities like Mexico City.

Source: Infobae