“Exposed” Semarnat admits that there is no environmental study or authorization for Maya Train

Senator Xóchitl Gálvez filed a criminal complaint against Javier May, general director of the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism ( Fonatur ), and against those who are responsible for the illegal felling of trees that takes place in the southeast of the country during the construction works of the Mayan Train. Gálvez, secretary of the Senate Anticorruption Commission, explained that until […]

Position of the Mexican Center for Environmental Law regarding the Mayan Train Project

At the Mexican Center for Environmental Law, AC we promote as a fundamental objective the promotion and defense of the Right to a Healthy Environment in Mexico, through the strengthening, consolidation, harmonization, application and effective compliance of the current legal-environmental system. CONTEXT In Mexico, there is a generalized situation of violence, impunity, and corruption that […]

AMLO administration takes over government institutions to propagate propaganda

Semarnat calls celebrities against the Mayan Train “pseudo-environmentalists” In the same vein as Andrés Manuel López Obrador, president of Mexico, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) called the celebrities who demonstrated against the Mayan Train “pseudo-environmentalists”. “Where were the pseudo-environmentalists when the real devastation began years ago in the southeast of Mexico?”, […]

AMLO says there is a campaign against the Mayan Train led by “pseudo environmentalists”

President López Obrador accused that there is a campaign of pseudo-environmentalists who serve private interests to oppose the Mayan Train. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador accused this Monday of the existence of a campaign by “pseudo-environmentalists” who serve private interests to denounce the alleged improper felling of trees in various sections of the Mayan Train, […]