The Yucatan Peninsula is the most competitive of Mexican states


Of all the states in the country, only half stands out in competitiveness. In the Yucatan the Peninsula Campeche scores two-second places in a Stable and Functional Political System, and a Reliable and Objective Law System, On the other hand, Yucatan obtained first place; while Quintana Roo appears as second in World Class Precursor Sectors, according to the 2020 Competitiveness Index.

In Mexico, each state experiences a unique situation and the inequalities between them translate into a lack of opportunities for Mexicans. Not all local governments have the same capacities to undertake actions that help close these gaps and now with the effects of the pandemic it is key to know who has the best conditions, points out the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO).

The measurement consisted of 10 sub-indices and 97 indicators in which it gave recognition on different competitiveness measurements assigning “gold, silver and bronze medals” corresponding to the first three places respectively, of each of the entities; the sub-indices are Law, Environment, Society, Political System, Governments, Market Factors, Economy, Precursors, International Relations, and Innovation.

Those that were left out “are not at the level of competition from others,” says the document, those were Chiapas, Durango, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Hidalgo, State of Mexico, Michoacán, Oaxaca, Puebla, San Luis Potosí, Sonora, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Veracruz and Zacatecas.

Among those who achieved medals, Campeche remains in the first place in the indicator of lowest crime incidence, with 15.6 crimes of the common jurisdiction per thousand inhabitants, also in the first position in reported crimes with 11.4 percent of the total.

His political system also positions him as the best in equity in Congress, in equal marriage, and fourth place in the indicator of perception of state corruption.

Regarding its weaknesses, the IMCO reports that Campeche is in the last place in terms of economic efficiency of water in agriculture, clean industry certificates issued, total factor productivity, and economic diversification.

Yucatán is positioned as the best in the indicators of fewer homicides, kidnappings, and vehicle theft, with which it stands out as the number one state in the Reliable and Objective Law System sub-index; Another indicator in which it appears as the leader in the foreign population with higher education.

Among the weaknesses identified by IMCO are the economic efficiency of water in agriculture and Life expectancy.

As for Quintana Roo, second in the precursors sub-index, it ranks number one in the three indicators: point of sale terminals (117.8 for every 10,000 adults); ATMs (6.1 for every 10 thousand adults), and air passenger flow (1,337 passengers for every thousand inhabitants).

Within the sub-index of international relations, it is at the top in the indicators of international air passenger flow and tourism GDP (Gross Domestic Product).

Their weaknesses have to do with business start-ups, property registration, homicides, costs of crime; also in Researchers, companies, and scientific and technological institutions.


The Yucatan Post