The representatives of the Swiss Confederation in the southeast of Mexico are interested in promoting sustainable projects that expose the cultural richness through the use of cutting-edge digital technology, to expand the tourist attraction of the region since it will be part of a virtual museum of the aquifer informed the mayor, Renán Barrera Concha.

Within the framework of the meeting with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation in Mexico and Belize, Eric Mayoraz, and the Honorary Consul of the Swiss Confederation in the City of Cancun, with a constituency in the States of Quintana Roo and Yucatán, Alessandra Múller Mier, exposed to the first mayor their interest in strengthening those ties with sustainable projects framed in the promotion of Mérida and Yucatán.

This work agenda with diplomatic representatives was also strengthened with the visit of the General Consul of Honduras in Veracruz, Raúl Otoniel Morazán, who asked the Mayor to establish a common agenda that allows cultural and commercial exchange.

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Barrera Concha explained that during the meeting that the representatives of the Swiss community held with him, they presented the proposal to start a project to map and explore the archaeological content of the cenotes to promote it in 3D video format that will be available in a virtual museum.

In addition, he specified that the team of specialists that make up this project will explore with diving equipment, and with special equipment, they will record what they find in the extensive system of caves, cavities, and underground rivers.

“This desire to strengthen ties will allow us to exchange information about the Swiss community that adopted Mérida as its home, we have an inclusive policy, such as the Mérida de Brazos Abiertas program, aimed at integrating those who come to reside in the city. to social dynamics ”, he expressed.

After the presentation on the preservation and the social and cultural dynamics that exist between the Cuxtal Ecological Reserve and the inhabitants of the neighboring police stations, the Swiss representatives showed interest in knowing in depth the work that is carried out in the place, especially for the conservation of the water reserve and the preservation of Mayan cultural traditions among the inhabitants.

For his part, Eric Mayoraz explained that since 2017 they have been working on a project called the Great Mayan Aquifer in conjunction with the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) they have developed projects such as the Great Mayan Aquifer, the preservation of the language in Oaxaca or the rescue of the colonial church in Sonora.

Estrecharán lazos Suiza y Mérida

The ambassador highlighted that there are a few thousand Swiss residents in Yucatan and 60 thousand tourists from that country visit Mexico, showing interest in visiting Mérida, Chichén Itzá, Tulum, Chiapas, and Oaxaca, especially due to their predilection for cultural and gastronomic activities.

For this reason, with the designation of Mérida as a Creative City in the gastronomy category in 2019 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), the proposal was made to work together aimed at promoting the traditional dishes through gastronomic circuits that arouse the interest of Swiss tourists in the city.

Possible joint collaboration projects included creating student exchange programs with Swiss universities and holding meetings with the business sector to create business and investment relationships.

Also at the meeting was José Luis Martínez Semerena, director of Economic Development and Tourism, Alejandra Bolio Rojas, director of the Sustainable Development Unit, and Sandra Araceli García Peregrina, director of the Decentralized Municipal Public Organization for Operation and Administration of the Area Subject to Conservation Ecological Reserve Cuxtal.

At the meeting with the Consul General of Honduras, Suzette Gavidia Arias, Honorary Consul of Honduras in Mérida; Reynaldo Perdomo Castellanos, representative of the Honduran Community; Elías Dájer Fadel, Consular Advisor; Alejandro Ruz Castro, Municipal Secretary; José Luis Martínez Semerena, director of Economic Development and Tourism and Ildefonso Machado Domínguez, director of Health and Social Welfare.

Source: yucatanahora.mx

The Yucatan Post