From “Salsipuedes” to “Buckingham”, places with strange names in Mexico


A list of some strangely named places in Mexico that were called with strange words.

Surely you have heard a street, neighborhood, or community with a name that sounds strange or is difficult to pronounce, in case it does, we assure you that it will not be the only one.

MILENIO made a small list of some strange places with names in Mexico that were named with strange words that seem like a tongue twister impossible to pronounce or that will make you smile just by listening to them. 

Many of these names seem to have been used as a joke or simply refer to places and characteristics of the region. Here are some examples of destinations with the weirdest names.

Pitorreal “Royalpenis”, Chihuahua

The town of Pito Real is located in the municipality of Moris. In the list of the most populated towns of the whole municipality, it is number 96 in the ranking. Pito Real is at 1,779 meters of altitude.

Its name is derived from a phallic-looking stone called La Mexicana. It is believed that this rock formation gives fertility to those who touch it, which is why it became a tourist site.

Nearby is a train station bearing the same name. Pitorreal is a town in Guachochi, within the Sierra Madre Occidental; It is almost four hours from the capital of Chihuahua.

Salsipuedes “GetOutIfYouCan”, Baja California

A small island in Baja California, called “Salsipuedes”, barely two kilometers long and one kilometer wide, is a place that until the 1960s was hidden from tourists.

It began to gain popularity when the coastal highway from Tijuana to Ensenada was opened; It was then that travelers who were touring the area were amazed by the sign that announced: “Salsipuedes: 3 kilometers.”

The nearby area is adapted so that visitors can camp for around 50 and up to 100 pesos per night. And it is that it is believed that more than a local it is a paradisiacal place destined for tourists.

San Antonio Texas, Guanajuato

It bears the same name as the city in the United States. It is located in an ejido in Silao, in the state of Guanajuato. The origin of its name is unknown, but it is attributed to the arrival of Texan migrants in the past.

According to data from the Pueblos América site, it has approximately 1,735 inhabitants and is located in front of the Guanajuato Airport.

According to surveys carried out, there are 2,595 inhabitants in this community. In the list of the most populated towns in the entire municipality, it is number 12 in the ranking.

Buckingham, Nayarit

Buckingham, a small town in Nayarit,  is located within the municipality of Santa María del Oro, and has a population of approximately 1,500.

Buckingham is located 30 minutes from Las Navajas Volcano and less than an hour from Tepic, Nayarit, making it an ideal destination. Despite the fact that this town carries a man who is related to the emblematic palace of England, he has nothing to do with it. 

This name was given to him because an English immigrant who took over the lands near the town of San José de Mojarras, and it was he who decided to put this name, although currently, the inhabitants of this town refer to him as “Bucky “.

X’box, Yucatán

In Yucatán, there is a town called X’box, the name comes from the Mayan culture and has little or nothing to do with the video game console. 

X’Box is one of the 10 police stations in the municipality of Chacsinkín, in the southern part of Yucatán, about 90 minutes by car from the city of Mérida. It is surrounded by the municipalities of Peto, Cantamayec, Tzucacab, Tahdziú and Tixméuac.

X’Box comes from the Yucatec Mayan language and means “black”, since x feminizes and boox means “black” (both noun and adjective). According to the locals, this name derives from a local legend in which a woman dressed in black appeared at the well of the place.

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