At almost 93 years old, Bacila has assisted in labor with ancestral Mayan techniques throughout her life.
Urban artist Datoer created a new mural in honor of the last midwife in the Yucatán, originally from the Yaxhachén community.
The beautiful mural was made in honor of Mrs. Bacila Tzec Uc, considered the last midwife in the state.
This work was made to invite all people to maintain the tradition and financially support the lady, especially with a hearing aid or a wheelchair.

The artist added that if they want to contribute, they can do so to the account number: 4152-3138-1819-1053 or to the address Calle 49 x 46 y 44 Col. Centro, in Oxkutzcab, where all the support for the family is received.
I know that with your grain of sand, we can do great things,” said the Yucatecan muralist.
Source: Estamos Aqui