The Yucatecan capital has one of the highest living costs in the country.
During the first 15 days of April, the inflation index in the city of Mérida, Yucatán, showed a downward trend, registering 8.45 percent.
However, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), the inflation registered in the city of Mérida placed it as the second with the highest prices in the country.
Compared with the month of March, the inflation index for the first half of April showed a decrease of .35 percent, registering 8.45, against 9.80 last March.
In the first half of this month, Mérida ranked as the second most expensive city in the country, just below Jacona, Michoacán, with an 8.46 percent inflation rate.
At the country level, inflation registers six consecutive biweekly of decline after the index of 6.85 percent for all of March, 7.62 percent in February, 7.91 percent in January and 7.82 in December last, when inflation had its highest closing annually in 22 years.
Regarding the items that registered a greater increase in their prices during this period, there was lemon, with a monthly variation of 26.73 percent; air transport, with an increase of 25.99, and packaged tourist services, which presented an increase of 8.59 percent.
On the other hand, the sections that presented a decrease in their prices were: nopales, with a decrease of 21.33 percent, cucumber, with 15.93, and natural domestic gas, with a decrease of 6.34 percent.
Within the underlying index, at a biweekly rate, merchandise prices rose 0.55 percent and services 0.30 percent. Within the non-core index, the costs of agricultural products grew by 0.35% and those of energy and tariffs authorized by the Government, by 0.64 percent at a biweekly rate.
In this context, the president of CANACOPE, María Guerrero, pointed out that due to the escalation of prices that has been experienced since 2022, it is expected that in the remainder of the year the tendency to stabilize will continue, since high prices harm all productive sectors.
She added that in the state and in the region, there was a first quarter of very high prices, due to the fact that the inflationary effects are world-wide.
Source: Novedades de Yucatan