It arrives today! Dust from the Sahara arrives in Mexico: what is it and what are its effects? 


The National Meteorological Service (SMN) reported the arrival this weekend of a cloud of dust from the Sahara to Mexico; in addition to the fact that a new cloud is expected on July 21.  

Saturday, July 15, marked the beginning of the arrival in Mexico of a new cloud of dust from the Sahara Desert, which was dispersed over the Yucatan Peninsula, as well as the east, south, and southeast of the country. 

Alert for new cloud of dust from the Sahara 

 The new dust mass from the Sahara is expected to arrive in the Yucatan Peninsula on or about July 21, 2013, spreading over the southeast of the country and the Gulf of Mexico in low to intermediate concentrations, so its effects could be more noticeable, according to the SMN statement. 

It is detached from the Sahel region, and it is common for it to occur annually 

The Saharan dust cloud is a phenomenon that occurs every year, arriving from the Sahel region of Africa, between late spring and early fall. 

The high temperatures and low pressures generate detachments of warm air and filings that travel through the Atlantic Ocean until they reach the Yucatan Peninsula. 

However, this new Saharan dust mass is expected to peak around July 21 and spread over the southeast of the country and the Gulf of Mexico. 

What exactly is Saharan dust? 

 The dust of the Sahara is made up of small particles of sand and is rich in minerals. Furthermore, it is considered an aerosol due to its very small solid components. 

According to NASA estimates, each year the wind transports around 100 million tons of this element to the other side of the Atlantic. 

What effects does Sahara dust have on health? 

This phenomenon generates health consequences, since it decreases air quality and can unleash complications in people with respiratory problems such as asthma or COPD. 

It also hurts the eyes and irritates the skin. However, according to the authorities, the dust from the Sahara does not represent a danger to the population. 

Instead, it is important to apply and consider the following measures: 

     It is important to check the air quality of the place of residence daily and act accordingly. 

     Wear face masks and eye protection 

     Avoid exposure to high concentrations of dust 

     If possible, stay indoors 

     Close all doors and windows 

     Moisten the floor before cleaning to prevent dust from flying into your airways. 

 Source: UnoTv