If your short-term or long-term idea is to build a house in Mérida, you have every reason, since the delicious cuisine, security and tranquility, incredible architecture, foreign investment and excellent study centers make it one of the best in Mexico.
Are you thinking of buying a home this year in Mérida? The construction of a house encompasses different professionals, such as: architects, masons, surveyors, etc. In some cases, their fees are not included in the price, so it is advisable to clarify this before making the contract, so you will avoid surprises and bad times in the future.
The state of Yucatan, mainly the state capital, has become a key point for real estate investment, due to the high security rates and the significant economic growth it is experiencing, attracting people from different parts of Mexico.
In Mérida, the price per square meter of land is given by means of different factors such as: location, added value, extension of the land, infrastructure, among other factors that directly impact the value within the different areas within the city, It is not the same to live in an area full of shopping centers to an area far from the city center or outside the city, as it is known in Mérida ‘passing the southern peripheral’
How much does a square meter cost in Merida?
Eastern zone: From 575 pesos to 1 thousand 035 pesos
West zone: For this part of the city they range from 1 thousand 135 pesos to 1 thousand 695 pesos
North zone: Prices rise and can range from 3,765 pesos to 6,000 pesos
Source: Por Esto