Strange death in exclusive Country Club


This day E.N.C.C.’s body was found in the exclusive “Country Club”, where he would have lost his life, for unknown reasons.

The events were handled with total discretion and secrecy.

Although it is ruled out that the death was due to violent causes or high-impact crimes, it turned out that it was rather due to bronchoaspiration.

The body was found by the authorities in the bed of a truck semi-lying.

The area was cordoned off by police from the SSP and the PEI who will wait for the FGE personnel.

Strange death in exclusive Country Club

It was later reported that the body was that of Edwin Noel Cámara C., General Secretary of the CTM Volqueteros of Campeche.

It turned out that the lifeless body of the 41-year-old man was identified by his wife María Chel S. The state authorities are already investigating what happened.

The residents of the club reported an unconscious man in the bed of a truck, semi-lying down, and reported it to the local authorities. Paramedics from the ‘Country Club’ confirmed that he already had vital signs.

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