VIDEO: “You are a black guacha”; for a seat, “Lady Galerías” emerges in Mérida, Yucatán


A TikTok user posted a series of videos showing the woman’s displeasure at losing her seat

Mérida.- On social networks, the discussion between two women in Plaza Galerías, located north of Mérida, Yucatán, went viral, after one of them allegedly took the seat that the other had “reserved” for a skating exhibition.

Through her TikTok account, the user Mariel CR posted a series of videos showing the woman’s displeasure at losing her seat and for which she was nicknamed “Lady Galerías” in reference to the plaza where the fight occurred.

The young woman said that she was in the place for her daughter’s skating festival and that when she arrived, she did not find any empty places since they were all occupied by clothes.

“They were not valuable things … they were a winter hat, a glove on a chair, a scarf on another and so on.”

For this reason, she turned to the plaza administrators who told her that places could not be set aside, so if she wanted, she could remove them and sit down, to which she replied that they should remove them since that was their job.

The young woman narrated that minutes later the administration staff removed those clothes since no one around indicated that they were theirs, with which she was able to take a seat.

After about 20 minutes, the lady owner of those clothes arrived and began to insult her.

“Get out of my place pinche guacha” Lady attacks tiktoker “

Her first approach was to tell me ‘get out of my place pinche guacha’, for those who do not know what guacha is, it is a way that the Yucatecans use to refer to the chilangos in a derogatory way.”

The young woman said that she was bothered by the lady’s attitude, however she did not pay attention to her.

“I told her that I was not going to get up and she told me that they were her places, that she had arrived since two in the afternoon.”

Mariel told the woman that she had not removed her clothes since it had been the administration staff and it was with them that she had to talk since it was not allowed to set aside places.

After several minutes of shouting and aggression, the woman leaves the place to return minutes later and continue with her insults.

“She comes back and starts yelling at me that I don’t know who she is, that I am a black bembona … a black guacha of shit, that how I dare to steal her places.”

In another of the recordings, the woman is seen slapping and even threatening a girl who was also occupying one of the places that she had “set aside”.

The incident occurred in recent days and it was revealed that the lady is a dermatologist and her last name is Colomé.

What is guacha? Although there is a debate in Mexico about the exact origin of the term, specialists agree that the root comes from the word in the Mayan language “huach” or “waach”, a term used to refer to the “foreigners”.

The Mayan dictionary of the Autonomous University of Yucatán explains: “It is said to the person who comes from other federative entities outside the peninsula (the Mayan region)”.

The word was castilianized to “huache” or “guache” and over the years it changed its meaning.

The Mexican Academy of Language explains in its Dictionary of Mexicanisms that, in addition to being a nickname for “foreigner”, another of its meanings in the southeast region -where the Mayans live- is that of “thief”.

It is also used to refer derogatorily against those who come from other entities.

Source: El Universal