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Travel Alert for Tourists in Yucatán: Oropuche Fever

- July 22, 2024

The Yucatán Health Secretary has issued an alert to travelers at the Mérida airport about Oropuche fever, a highly contagious disease reported in South America.

A preventive warning message is displayed on screens throughout the terminal, informing tourists that Oropuche fever is caused by the Orov virus and can affect people of all ages. The symptoms are similar to those of dengue or malaria and may take up to 12 days after mosquito bites to appear.

The disease is transmitted through the bite of a mosquito known as the jején (also called Culex quinquefosciatus) and not from person-to-person contact. There is no specific medicine or vaccine available for Oropuche fever at present.

Symptoms include headaches, muscle pain, chills, nausea, vomiting, bleeding from the gums and nose, and in severe cases, meningitis or encephalitis.

To prevent infection, tourists are advised to check with their doctor about vaccination requirements before traveling and to take protective measures such as wearing clothing that covers arms and legs, using insect repellent, sleeping under a mosquito net, and avoiding outdoor activities like camping or hiking.

If symptoms appear during travel, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately, avoid traveling to other areas, and continue taking precautions against mosquito bites.

Upon returning to their places of origin, if travelers experience any symptoms, they should seek immediate medical attention. Stay informed about Oropuche fever and take necessary precautions to stay healthy during your trip.

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