“Silent Witness” is a new interdisciplinary show presented in Merida, Yucatan.

- July 24, 2024

Organized by the City Hall of Merida, this cultural event takes place every Wednesday at 8:30 pm at the main entrance of the Anthropology and History Museum, Palacio Cantón, located on calle 43. The projection lasts approximately 40 minutes and will continue until the Plaza Grande renovation works are completed.

The spectacle consists of three moments:

1. Digital mapping: Accompanied by a narration, a digital map is projected that tells the story of General Francisco Cantón Rosado and his son. It highlights the most important events in the general’s life, as well as the architectural aspects and different uses that the building known as Palacio Cantón has had.

2. Music: After the mapping, three musical pieces from 1911, the year the building was founded, are performed by singers Miguel Mena and Annie Poot. They present opera pieces “Libiamo ne’ lieti calici” (from Verdi’s “La Traviatta”), “Nessun Dorma” (from Puccini’s “Turandot”) and “Quando me’n vo'” (from Puccini’s “La Bohème”).

3. Regional dance: The Representative Folk Ballet of the City Hall of Merida presents four traditional Yucatecan jaranas.


This event is a showcase of Merida’s rich cultural heritage, offering an experience filled with traditions and urban transformation. It’s an excellent option to enjoy the city!

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