“Testigo Silencioso” is a Captivating Digital Mapping Program at The Palacio Cantón in Mérida

- August 4, 2024

“Testigo Silencioso” is a Captivating Digital Mapping Program at The Palacio Cantón in Mérida, Yucatán. This interdisciplinary multimedia show combines digital mapping, live opera, and traditional jarana dances to celebrate the cultural and historical richness of the iconic Palacio Cantón.

The event takes place every Wednesday at 8:30 PM and is free to the public. It features a 40-minute performance that narrates the history of General Francisco Cantón Rosado and his son, highlighting significant events in their lives and the architectural heritage of the Palacio Cantón. The show is based on the book “Testigo de la Historia” by Blanca M. González Rodríguez and includes performances by the Mérida City Hall’s folkloric ballet and singers Miguel Mena and Annie Poot.

This unique experience not only illuminates the walls of the Palacio Cantón with stunning visuals but also immerses the audience in the rich traditions of Yucatán through music and dance.

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