More affected join the criminal complaint for fraud of Pedregales de Misnebalam


Every day, more people join the collective criminal complaint against the real estate company Inverco (Inversión Colectiva Inmobiliaria S.A.P.I. de C.V.) for the “real estate fraud” committed with the false sale of non-existent houses in the promised and alleged real estate development, “Pedregales de Misnebalam.”

Many of these people, with whom we have been able to speak in Mérida during a trip made to ask for explanations about their money, investment, and houses, have told us about the numerous tricks used by the company’s directors, sellers, and promoters, such as the unexpected change of account for making deposits or the change of personnel in charge of the company. The most serious issue, amid the silence of authorities at all levels in Yucatán, is that Inverco continues to sell and scam through social networks, not only with “Pedregales de Misnebalam” but with other “developments.”

The reality is that since the beginning of the project, irregularities, breaches, and multiple delaying actions by the construction company have started, from which the following illegal behaviors and widespread discontent have been compiled, as noted by the law firm BA/CA Abogados.

The law firm BA/CA, based in Mexico City, informed that they requested the “State Attorney General (Juan Manuel León León) of Yucatán to conduct a thorough investigation” of the facts with the appearance of the crime of “real estate fraud” brought to their attention on August 22nd.

The “real estate fraud” involves the sham or setup of the construction of houses, apartments, and townhouses for residential use within a condominium property regime, located “in the North Zone of the City of Mérida and towards the port of Progreso,” actually very close to the impoverished Paraíso commissary, located in the municipality of Progreso and in a flood-prone area.

Evidently, the promised construction of houses and the subdivision has not occurred, as has been able to verify on-site, despite hundreds of people having fully paid for the properties. We are talking about a million-dollar fraud amounting to hundreds of millions of pesos, whose whereabouts are unknown to date, for which the law firm VA/CA informed that they also requested the Head of the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit to “conduct a thorough investigation of the facts brought to their attention through a complaint filed on August 20th of this year, to clarify the use, operation, and destination of the economic resources paid to the construction company by hundreds of affected families today.”

To date, more than a hundred people have joined the criminal complaint. Most of these people, in labor mobility working in the United States of America, Canada, and other countries around the world, many of them elderly and belonging to various vulnerable groups, signed a promise of sale contract with the legal entity Inverco from 2021 to the current month of August 2024, which has systematically failed to comply.

For these reasons, BA/CA informed that they requested the “Attorney General of the Republic to conduct a thorough and coordinated investigation to clarify the facts brought to their attention on August 22nd and, if applicable, determine the criminal responsibility of the legal and physical persons involved.”

According to the law firm BA/CA, the following “illegal behaviors” of Inverco and “widespread discontent” among buyers have been detected:

– Not delivering the properties on the date stipulated in the respective promise of sale contracts.

– Not having the municipal, state, and federal permits for the development of the project.

– Not having the necessary budget and construction plan for the development of the project.

– Not having the necessary construction infrastructure for the project.

– Not having the condominium property regime nor having built and completed the common areas of the same.

– In general, not having the construction and legal requirements to deliver possession and sign the sale contracts before a notary public.

– Being negligent and conducting themselves with delaying, evasive, and other fraudulent tactics, to the detriment of the buyers’ assets.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning that the lawyers from the VA/CA law firm have requested the “Federal Consumer Protection Attorney to thoroughly review the group complaint filed on the same date, so that the claims of hundreds of people are addressed through the expedited conciliation procedure for this purpose, and a specialized investigation and ruling on real estate sales operations is carried out, and if applicable, impose the legal sanctions on the responsible providers.”

The problem with Profepa in Yucatán, as has been proven in numerous cases, is not only the delay but also the complicity with companies that affect consumers.

Finally, the lawyers inform that “we thank and request the Constitutional President of the United States of Mexico to continue attending to and channeling the requests of the affected families, brought to his attention and addressed since the morning conference on July 24 of the current year.”

Source: La Jornada Maya