Controversy Over Conkal’s Security Complex: Former Officials Face Complaints Over Alleged Land Irregularity


In a move to uncover potential wrongdoing, Mayor Linda Pérez Quijano of Conkal has filed a complaint with the Superior Audit Office of the Federation (ASF) against five former municipal officials and the representative of the company that built the town’s Security Complex.

The controversy centers around allegations that the complex was constructed on land owned by a private individual without their consent, potentially resulting in patrimonial damage to the City Council. According to sources, the complex was built with an investment of 16 million 600,631.25 pesos from municipal and federal funds.

The complaint, which has been reviewed by this newspaper, targets Hiselle Díaz del Castillo Canché, the former PRI mayor; Francisco Evia Gamboa, trustee; María Elena Ceballos González, secretary of the City Council; Florielly Guadalupe Ciau Caamal, director of Public Works; Greysi Jesús Pech Novelo, municipal treasurer; and Roberto Baeza Marrufo, sole administrator of Arconsu Edificaciones, the company responsible for building the complex.

The allegations against these individuals include their supposed responsibility in signing documents related to the project without verifying the ownership of the land. In addition, the complaint accuses Mr. Baeza Marrufo of omitting his duty to review documentation and confirm that the land met all necessary requirements before construction began.

Mayor Pérez Quijano has expressed concerns that if the allegations are substantiated, Conkal may lose its Security Complex C-4. The owner of the land in question has threatened to demolish the police facilities due to their presence on his property.

As part of the investigation, the ASF has been requested to conduct an on-site audit, which will contribute to the evidence presented in this case. Mayor Pérez Quijano announced that she plans to file additional complaints to determine the responsibilities involved in this alleged irregularity.

Source: Diario de Yucatan