Family on the Run: Mérida Police Foil Van Theft Operation


In a daring attempt to steal a van in the heart of Mexico’s Yucatán state capital, a family from Tekax was caught red-handed by authorities. The brazen heist unfolded in the upscale Nueva Chichén Itzá neighborhood of Mérida.

According to reports, the family had boarded the van with intentions to drive it off, but their plans were quickly foiled when they reported the theft to 9-1-1. The Secretariat of Public Security (SSP) sprang into action, coordinating a swift operation to track down the stolen vehicle.

Utilizing advanced C5i technology, police located the van on the Mérida-Campeche highway and promptly intercepted it at kilometer 156. The driver, 31-year-old J.C.P., will now face the law for his alleged involvement in the crime of vehicle theft.

Meanwhile, his 23-year-old companion, A.G.C.U., was taken into custody for interfering with the police operation. Two minors who were traveling with them were safeguarded by UNIPREV, a specialized unit that handles child protection cases.

The recovered van has been impounded at an SSP facility for further investigation and processing. As authorities continue to unravel the facts surrounding this high-profile case, one thing is clear: justice will be served in Mérida’s ongoing battle against property crime.

Source: Por Esto