Yucatecan family stars on Netflix documentary


They star in the documentary series Once Upon a Bite how to prepare PIB.

Mérida, Yucatán (March 16, 2021).- Yucatán will be part of the spectacular Chinese documentary series “ Once Upon a Bite ”, which travels the world through food and which is filmed by a Chinese production company for Asian television and for various multimedia platforms such as Netflix.

The Maya cornfield, with corn, squash, and ibis, attracted the interest of this series dedicated to seeds and grains, for which a third season called “The Planet of the Seeds” is being carried out.

For this reason, the producers came to Tekax to meet the farmer Miguel Chab May and his family, who live in the Tixcuytún community, dedicated to the corn, preserving the Mayan heritage, from their language to their customs.

The Chab family allowed them to record how ibes are grown and harvested and how the famous polcanes are prepared a much appreciated regional treat. The family taught them the whole process of making the mucbil chickens (aka PIB). 

Photo: (Social networks)

Likewise, he taught them the whole process of making mucbil Pollo or pibes and how to cook them underground, in an experience that fascinated them.

In reality, the producers were looking to record the harvest of the traditional bean, but because it is not in season, they ran into the ibes and they loved the change to the white Yucatecan bean, a variety they did not know.

Recordings in Tekax

The recording took place a few days ago, after a long process of investigation and exploration in various municipalities and communities of Yucatán, which finally led them to Tekax.

Alma Carreño, head of the Tekax Tourism Department, was in charge of accompanying the production team from scouting, which lasted a week, to select the family and the community, to the recordings, which also lasted a week.

(Photo: social networks)

The date of the transmission of this third season of the series has not yet been defined, because they will continue to record more chapters in other parts of the world. The show is broadcast in multiple languages.

It should be noted that Once Upon a Bite seeks to record how the same product can be prepared in different ways in different places on the planet and its first chapter was broadcast in 2018.

Source: Sipse

The Yucatan Post