Interested in attracting investment, technology and sustainable development projects
The mayor of Umán, Gaspar Ventura Cisneros Polanco, met with the municipal president of Querétaro, Luis Bernardo Nava, with whom he exchanged points of view on the vision of consolidating employment and developing industrial potential in a collaborative way between both cities; aspect that investors in the sector see highly viable for the Yucatecan municipality.
From the beginning of this administration, it has been sought that Umán becomes the capital of industries in a vision to improve the quality of life of the Umanenses attracting investment, technology, and sustainable development for the municipality.
As a result of this proposal, the municipality attended a meeting to strengthen cooperation ties with Querétaro, a capital that enjoys wide prestige due to the level of the industries that are found in it and that are a national benchmark in development, quality of life, productivity. , employment, professional and trained workforce, as well as decent wages and social responsibility for the city.
“We have found a very good response from industrial entrepreneurs, who see a strong interest and potential in Umán to bring investment to our municipality, and with it, attract the development that all Umán deserve. The meeting we held will bring great things to our city, ”said Cisneros Polanco.
Two of these businessmen who expressed their prompt intention to come to know the municipality, contribute proposals and investment in Umán are Ricardo Campos and Esaú Garza Vega, two prominent figures of the industrial sector in the Queretaro region.
“Since we assumed the municipal presidency of Umán, we did it with the frank objective of triggering development beyond a vision limited to the municipality. It is time to bring our city to a development plan that is a national benchmark; Our city is no longer there to simply see how times change, it is there to move forward with it. Consolidate itself as the most important corridor and logistics center in the southeast and in the country ”, expressed the mayor.