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Over a parking spot, one driver machetes another at a plaza in Mérida

- May 1, 2024

The altercation occurred on Sunday night when two drivers fought over a parking spot.

Over a parking spot, two men argued and from words moved to aggression with a bladed weapon, resulting in one of them injured and the other arrested, in the parking lot of Plaza Galerías, in the north of Mérida.

The altercation occurred on Sunday night when two drivers arrived at the aforementioned plaza, each driving in the opposite direction. Both wanted to enter the same parking spot, which started the argument.

Both drivers claimed to have “preference” and the fight escalated when one of them pulled out a machete from his vehicle and bloodily attacked the other.

After the machete attack, the 911 emergency service was called, and paramedics arrived at the scene, as well as SSP agents to take note of the attack and arrest the aggressor, while the victim was transported to a hospital.

Source: Sipse