In the heart of Yucatán, within the impoverished indigenous community of Tahdziú, young Mayan students are making waves in the field of mathematics. Despite their challenging circumstances, they have emerged as pioneers in the Mathematics Olympiad at the state level.
The students from Tahdziú are Ana Abigail Aké Vera and Ángel Rodrigo Chablé Ic, both fourth graders; Alex Uriel Puc Canul, a fifth grader; and Alexa Marisol Tilán Dzul, in sixth grade. These students attend the bilingual indigenous primary school, Juana de Asbaje.
For Alex, a fifth-grade student, numbers evoke pride. He views mathematics as a delightful blend of learning and fun. Beyond the confines of their modest classroom, these young scholars have transcended their remote southern Yucatán community. Their journey has led them to the state-level competition, where only the best in each category qualify.
Alex shares his perspective: “Mathematics feels easier to me. It’s where I can explore and accomplish anything. I enjoy addition, subtraction, decimal division, and much mor.” His achievements have brought honor to his hometown.
The four Tahdziú pioneers in the Yucatán Mathematics Olympiad successfully navigated three qualifying exams to reach the fourth stage—the state level. In total, 998 students from 17 school regions (506 from public and private primary schools, and 492 from public and private secondary schools) competed, but only top scores advanced to the state phase, as reported by the Yucatán State Education Secretariat (SEGEY).
Tahdziú, situated just over 144 kilometers from Yucatán’s capital, holds its school sessions in the afternoon. Mornings are reserved for household chores, emphasizing the resilience and determination of these young learners.