Governor Mauricio Vila Celebrates Inauguration of IE-Tram Routes in Umán


Yucatán’s governor, Mauricio Vila Dosal, led the inauguration ceremony for the remaining routes of the electric transportation system (IE-Tram) in Umán. The event marked the completion of the 5 circuits announced for the electric transportation network within the state.

The newly inaugurated routes include La Plancha-Umán and La Plancha-Tren Maya Umán (Poxilá), which connect to the existing routes: La Plancha-Teya (Tren Maya Station), La Plancha-Kanasín, and La Plancha-Facultad de Ingeniería.

The official ceremony took place on 20th Street, between the main park and the Umán municipal palace. Governor Vila highlighted that with these new routes, Kanasín and Umán will be connected to Mérida, benefiting 137 neighborhoods, 30 educational centers, and 20 tourist sites, offering a transportation system worthy of Yucatecan families.

La Plancha-Tren Maya Umán will be the first route to become operational on August 10th, with one week of free service for locals. It will feature 4 vehicles. By the end of the month, the second route will become available, with an additional 9 units, totaling 13.

In his speech, Rafael Hernández Kotasek, director of the Yucatecan Transportation Agency (ATY), emphasized that to make these two new routes functional, an investment of 600 million pesos was made in road infrastructure.