The State Health Secretariat reported in February 2023 a 37.9% decrease in acute alcohol intoxication cases with 417 people in 2022, due to the implementation of the preventive strategy Planet Youth.
How is alcoholism seen in the interior of the state?
Is the decline of this social phenomenon real?
Do people who receive money from government programs use it for alcohol consumption like they did before?
From the perspective and vision of sociologist Othon Baños Ramirez, researcher at the Dr. Hideyo Noguchi Social Sciences Unit of the UADY; the phenomenon of alcoholism does not have the same dimension as it had during the henequenera era in Yucatan.
Significant change in social programs
“During the henequenero period, ejidatarios from this part of the state received their weekly subsidy. It was very common to see many men, mostly ejidatarios, spend part of their money on alcoholic beverages.”
“Now, the phenomenon does not have the same dimension with the payment of Pensiones del Bienestar by the federal government. It could happen something like that, but I wouldn’t say it has the same dimension as during the henequenera period.”
He explained that before, farmers received a subsidy every week for their work in the field, which was greater than the pension of today’s adult pensioner from the program of Bienestar. In addition, the pension is paid every two months and in many cases the beneficiaries do not handle the money directly, but through a family member due to their advanced age.
“I believe that a thorough study is needed, rigorous and deep, about these new social patterns that are in the municipalities of the interior of the state. I don’t think that people who are receiving some federal social support, especially seniors, are allocating most of their money to alcohol consumption”, he reiterated.
“During our visits to communities, we don’t see this phenomenon as a concern for the authorities or residents. In pláticas with locals and authorities in the towns, there is no mention of alcoholism as a problem. There are not many regular customers in bars or streets in municipalities.”
The sociologist doctor emphasized that the amount of money received by seniors is much lower ($6,000 pesos every two months). Additionally, due to their age (over 65), most of them do not consume alcoholic beverages for health reasons.
“To talk about alcoholism, I insist, we need to make a thorough study because we would have to ask who is spending the money on drinks. I would say that the phenomenon of consumption does not have a dimension that affects social coexistence, health, beyond what has been maintained in recent years. I do not see an increase in consumption nor that this phenomenon goes down. I believe that what maintains with much force, is that young people drink when they return to their community on weekends and make their party.”
For the moment, the questions raised cannot be answered in a rigorous, objective and scientific way because it needs of a specific study that have to see about the use of the money supports.
“It would be interesting to know what do with the pension or social program money, if they have something saved, if serves for individual expenses, if benefits all family, if they take all the money and spend, if the pensioner only gives some pesos and the rest spends the family. We don’t know, it is worth a thorough study, to know this support has elevated a higher consumption of alcoholic beverages among beneficiaries.”