Although he wasn’t present at the statue unveiling, Mauricio Vila didn’t hide his joy over Chaac’s arrival in Telchac Puerto. The constitutional governor of Yucatán celebrated the inauguration of the giant statue of the Mayan rain god, Chaac, effectively putting an end to the controversy surrounding the representation of Poseidon in Progreso.
Despite being on tour in Río Lagartos, the 44-year-old state leader took a moment from his busy schedule on Friday, August 16, 2024, to acknowledge the significance of Chaac’s statue in Mayan culture.
“I commend the efforts of the Telchac Municipal Council in enhancing the port’s image, promoting tourism, and creating jobs for Telchac families.”
Chaac symbolizes the God of Rain and Water in the Mayan cosmology. The presence of Poseidon, the Greek sea god, had sparked debate in the port of Progreso.
“With Chaac’s arrival, the battle with Poseidon is over,” declared Mauricio Vila, addressing the residents and visitors gathered in Telchac Puerto.