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Boa Leaves Businesses in Mérida’s Downtown Without Power

- August 17, 2024

A roughly two-meter-long boa constrictor disrupted electricity supply to businesses and homes in Mérida’s downtown area after being electrocuted on power cables. The incident occurred when the snake attempted to cross the wires atop a utility pole.

Around 8:00 a.m., residents and shopkeepers near the intersection of Calle 52 and 67, as well as 69 in downtown Mérida, suddenly lost power. They also heard a small explosion. Investigating the cause, they discovered the electrocuted snake entangled in the electrical lines.

Municipal Police officers cordoned off the area while reporting the incident to the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE). Workers managed to remove the lifeless snake from the cables, allowing electricity service to be restored.

The reason behind the snake’s ascent to the top of the utility pole in an attempt to cross the cables remains unknown.

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