Yucatán Empowers Women with ‘Va y Ven’ Transportation Program


The government of Yucatan continues to push forward the transformation of public transportation by incorporating women into the service. Through the “Ellas al Volante” program of the State Agency for Transport (ATY), 10 women have begun their training as part of the first generation of operators in the ‘Va y Ven’ system.

These women are not only receiving theoretical and practical training on topics such as ethics, values, safety, and self-care but also undergoing evaluations to ensure they are fit for duty. The program provides them with economic support of 250 pesos per day, free psychological, nutritional, and eye exams, discounts on medical services, and even support for their children.

The participants expressed gratitude for the opportunity, citing it as a chance for personal growth, better living conditions, and increased independence. They also acknowledged that this initiative opens doors to more women in the state who can access new opportunities.

With this first generation of operators, ATY is implementing an innovative model of administration and good practices that promote institutional culture based on inclusion and recognition of abilities without biases or prejudice.

This program not only benefits the women but also contributes to the design and management of public policies focused on improving well-being and autonomy for all stages of life, recognizing the value of their work, and providing them with the best conditions for growth. By empowering these women through training and support, Yucatán is taking a step towards a more inclusive society.

The ‘Va y Ven’ system has been designed to operate efficiently, incorporating cutting-edge technology such as modern simulators that prepare the operators for real-world scenarios. The program’s success will not only be measured by its ability to improve transportation services but also by its positive impact on the lives of the women involved and their families.

The future looks promising for these women who are paving the way for a new generation of female transporters in Yucatán, demonstrating that with training, support, and opportunities, women can achieve great things and become role models for their communities. As one of the participants put it, “We are not just operators; we are trailblazers.” This initiative is indeed a step towards creating a more inclusive society where everyone has access to equal opportunities and can thrive.