Fraud against 1,400 families in Celestún and other Yucatecan municipalities, they never received their homes


Just over 1,400 families from 24 municipalities were deceived by an alleged fraud committed by a real estate agency in collusion with heads of the Confederation of Peasant Organizations and Agricultural Groups of Southeast Mexico as well as by representatives of the Revolutionary Confederation of Peasants and Workers (CROC) .

The total amount of the scam oscillates in 40 million pesos (2 million USD), through a housing program that began to forge two years ago, affecting families Celestún, Dzilam González, Hunucmá, Maxcanú, Muna, Oxkutzcab, Sacalum, Seyé, Temax, Tekit, Ticul, Ucú, and Valladolid, among other municipalities.

Shortly after one in the afternoon, those affected by this fraud at the Muna municipality, went to the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) to expedite the complaints filed last year, since so far they have not been handed over their properties, thinking that they have after one year and eight months.

Now they are asking for the return of the money they gave for the execution of the program of “Construction of basic housing in dispersed areas”, corresponding to the apocryphal Pro-Housing Latin American Foundation for Social and Human Development.

The houses would be built with the contribution of the beneficiaries as well as subsidies from the foundation, but there is no association with that name.

In a press conference at the FGE, teacher María Patricia Couoh Baas denounced that it is a fraud committed by representatives of the CROC and the Confederation of Peasant Organizations and Agricultural Groups, using the name of a false foundation.

He remarked that only in Muna, 40 people are affected, who, “in the face of emotion, did not realize that the promissory notes were incorrectly filled, had erasures, there were no names of those responsible, it was all a scam, a fraud.”

“Some people gave the money in a single payment, others went for installments, and others had to borrow money to obtain the amount, whose interests continue to pay, and worst of all, they do not have their own house,” he said.

The affected party presented the document signed by Juan Carlos Márquez Sol, as president of the Confederation of Peasant Organizations and Agricultural Groups of the Southeast of Mexico, and by Carlos Eduardo Cisneros Rodríguez.

In this document, it is established that the company Desarrollo Inmobiliario Kin would be the contractor of the works, which would be executed from August 1 to October 29, 2018.

The work would consist of 48 square meters of construction per share consisting of a single floor subdivided into two rooms, a common room and a bathroom.

The document bears the seal of section 95 of the CROC (Union of Peasants), but not the names of the representatives.

Couoh Baas pointed out that the housing program would benefit 1,422 people from 24 municipalities, where each one had to pay in advance an amount of 27,000 pesos, which would be a modest figure, considering that the real cost would be 120,000 pesos, so most of the expense would be absorbed by an international foundation.

He denounced that since 2017 the program in which the member of section 95 of the CROC, David Mena Cauich, as well as Luis May, Karina Pat Koyoc and Norma Collí Fajardo, has been proposed.

He recalled that in June 2017, in Temax the first stone was laid for the construction of the houses, “but that was just part of the scam of course.”

In August 2018, the works should have started in Muna, but the construction of the houses never began.

He stated that they went to the CROC to speak with Mena Cauich, but so far he has refused to talk to them.

Faced with such an anomaly, they opted to go to the Maxcanú Public Ministry to file complaints number 242, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295 and 296.

However, the integration of the investigation file took longer than usual, which is why they opted to go to the FGE to find out the progress of the criminal complaints filed.

Source: YA

The Yucatan Post