These archaeological sites are open in Yucatán


Currently, five of 17 archaeological zones are open: Chichén Itzá, Uxmal, Dzibilchaltún, Xcambó, and Izamal, which were reopened since September 2020 under the supervision of the INAH and ready to receive visitors, but always with protocols according to the epidemiological risk traffic light.

However, Chichen Itza will remain closed during the spring equinox, March 20, 21 and 22; in order to avoid innecessary crowds which could result in risk of infection.

Chichen Itza

The rest of the spaces, such as Ek Balam, Mayapán, Acanceh, Sayil, Loltún, Kabah, Aké, Balamcanché, Xlapak, Oxkintok, Labná and Chacmultún remain closed and will open until the risk traffic light for the pandemic turns green.

Until last January, Yucatán accumulated 114,189 visits records, a figure that represented 32.61 percent of what was obtained in the same month last year, when the figure was 350,134.

Of this total, 76,083 (66.63 percent) were national visitors and 38,103 (33.37) were international. 

112,624 visited the archaeological zones and 1,562 visited the regional museum “Palacio Cantón”, which is located on Merida’s iconic Paseo de Montejo.


The archaeological zones that registered visits in January were Chichén Itzá, with 79,558 (70.64 percent); Uxmal, with 14,372 (12.76 percent); Ek Balam, with 7,091 (6.30 percent); Dzibilchaltún, with 4,652 (4.13 percent); Mayapán, with 3,140 (2.68 percent); Xcambó, with 2,264; and Izamal, with 1,673 (1.49 percent).

Source: SIPSE

The Yucatan Post