You’re invited to the First International Circus Festival of the Riviera Maya starting April 30th

It seeks to stimulate the creation, dissemination, interpretation and projection of the arts

The artists Dani El oso Quezada and Pablo Perasso managed to bring together talent from Mexico, Cuba, Peru, Venezuela, Canada, Brazil, and France, who live in the region, to offer the First International Circus Festival of the Riviera Maya, CirCaribe, which will have place this weekend.

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CirCaribe is a movement that aims to stimulate the creation, dissemination, interpretation, and projection of circus arts both on a scenic and pedagogical level. In turn, the CirCaribe Festival is committed to the children of Playa del Carmen and especially those in vulnerable situations, offering shows with free admission and social circus workshops.

On April 30 (Children’s Day) and May 1, starting at 6:30 p.m. in the open-air amphitheater at Plaza 28 de Julio, circus performances will be offered every hour with local and international artists. On May 2, the City Theater will host the closing of this festival, with a gala performance with national and international artists, including an inclusive event.

“We believe in the power of transformation from the performing arts and in the multicultural richness that the Riviera Maya has,” highlighted the organizers, who are supported by the Municipal Institute of Culture and the Arts of Solidarity (IMCAS) and in approach with the local DIF “we will be able to carry out events to raise awareness, communicate and benefit children in vulnerable situations, through art, a reason for hope, joy and enthusiasm”.

The organizers also indicated that they seek to turn Playa del Carmen into an icon around the performing arts, in the genre of clown , circus and street arts, positioning this as one of the most important events in the city, national and to even recognize it internationally.

CirCaribe will be carried out under the security measures and respecting the health protocols established by the authorities.

The invited artists are the company Cara o Seca (Argentina-France), Jugamos al Circo (Argentina-Mexico), Grupo Caracol (Mexico), Backyard Circus (Mexico), the clown Lele (Chile), Pancho Libre (Mexico), Claudio Carneiro (Brazil), Charlotte O’sullivan (Canada), Christopher Torres (Venezuela), Ramona Faraola (Mexico-Russia), César Vázquez (Mexico), Laritza Briel (Cuba), Yasmani Batista (Cuba), Dennis Huerta (Peru) , Santiago Reza and Jorge Vilchis (Mexico), Juan Poot and Lucy Caamal (Mexico) and Franco Bonifacio (Argentina).


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