Sectur estimates more than 51 million tourists will explore Mexico this summer


When giving the flag to the Summer 2022 Vacation Operation in La Paz, Baja California Sur, the Undersecretary of Tourism, Humberto Hernández Haddad reported that the arrival of 51 million 765 thousand tourists is expected in this period, of which 22 million 291 thousand will stay in hotels, 78% national and 22% foreign, meaning an increase of 14.5% compared to the same period in 2021, and a recovery of 92.3%, compared to 2019.

He indicated that in turn, 29 million 474 thousand tourists, 90.8% nationals and 9.2% foreigners, will stay in another form of accommodation, either at the home of family and friends or in second homes.

Likewise, he pointed out that an economic spill is expected for lodging of 59 thousand 93 million pesos, which, together with other services, will reach a tourist consumption of 649 thousand 25 million pesos.

The average hotel occupancy at the national level is expected to be 57.8%, that is, 12.3 percentage points more than in the months of July and August 2021, which was 45.5%, Hernández Haddad pointed out.

Summer 2022

The Undersecretary of Tourism stressed that the Summer 2022 Vacation Operation will be applied from July 29 to August 28, and more than 700 elements of Green Angels will be deployed, distributed in 198 highway sections, which represent the coverage of 37 thousand kilometers.

Ángeles Verdes: atención al turista en México | Secretaría de Turismo |  Gobierno |

To do this, they will make use of 188 radio patrols, 42 cranes, and 54 camper trailers, with which it is expected to serve 45,240 tourists, traveling more than 899,251 kilometers, and receive around 2,260 emergency calls. through 078.

Likewise, he pointed out that an economic spill is expected for lodging of 59 thousand 93 million pesos, which, together with other services, will reach a tourist consumption of 649 thousand 25 million pesos.

The average hotel occupancy at the national level is expected to be 57.8%, that is, 12.3 percentage points more than in the months of July and August 2021, which was 45.5%, Hernández Haddad pointed out.

On her occasion, the Secretary of Tourism and Economy of Baja California Sur, Rosa Maribel Collins Sánchez, commented: “Today we celebrate the distinction made by the Secretary of Tourism of the Government of Mexico to give the national flag for the Summer Vacation Period 2022 It is the first time that we have received such a distinction and what better way to do it than in La Paz, a city that lives up to its name”.

He added that tourism involves putting many issues in tune, including security. “Especially this last line is substantive for the travel experience to be pleasant and unforgettable,” he said.


Mexico Daily Post